Love vs. Infatuation

*Random thought.*


Wanna know the real difference of love and infatuation?


Sad fact:  many people, especially teenagers, often mistaken infatuation as love. Who knows, you might be one of these numerous teenagers.


Let me make it simple by giving unique examples:


"Is it love?"

# 1. Anna and Josh met each other in a summer camp last summer. They definitely enjoyed the camp. They became good friends then. Days after the camp, they started hanging out each other as great friends. Anna enjoys being with Josh. Josh always brightens up her day. He is so nice and kind, open to everyone, really friendly and fun to be with. He never judged  Anna based on her appearance (which actually has no appeal). As for now, Anna still doesn’t know Josh’s weaknesses or flaws. But who cares? This handsome guy is indeed one of the nicest guys Anna has ever met so far. What more can she ask for? No wonder she believes that she’s in love.


Best Friend Forever.

# 2. Flynn and Nicole knew each other since high school. Back then, they weren’t friends at all. More on acquaintance. But now that they’re in college, it’s totally different. They had the opportunity to spend time with each other in college with various activities and all, and they were able to get to know more on each other, then a lot about each other. Nicole knows that Flynn used to be a spoiled teenage brat, and Flynn knows that Nicole used to hate boys. Nicole knows that many times at the present, Flynn can be irritatingly hot tempered. And Flynn knows that Nicole is often irritatingly too hygiene-conscious. However, despite their flaws, for some reason, they are still glad to be best friends, and though there are times when they have conflicts, they always end up forgiving each other, still enjoying being part of each other’s lives.



I think that  it’s pretty obvious that #2 shows that the two love each other. And yes, #1 is only an infatuation. #1 may seem to be love for others, but it’s only an infatuation. Why?


You can say that you love someone when, in spite of the person’s weaknesses and greatest flaws, you still love him, you still accept him, you still enjoy being with that person, and that you’ll always be a good friend to him (or her). It should not be hard for you to be with that person for the rest of your life, because you already know what to expect from him.

"She's cute, smart, and really nice. Isn't she perfect?"

"She's cute, smart, and really nice. Isn't she perfect?"


Infatuation, on the other hand, is obviously the opposite of love. You only love that person because of his/her strengths (that may include the looks, which is a very common one, talents, sportiness, kindness, friendliness, whateverness); you love that person just because of him or her putting his best foot forward. That’s the reason why a girl, for instance, gets flattered when her gentlemen crush offers flowers to her, then breaks up with him after 1 month after learning his real, crappy attitude. Get to know the guy first before saying that it’s love, unlike Anna who claimed that she’s in love though she still didn’t know the real Josh.


That’s why in marriage, in order to have a wonderful life with your wife/husband without divorce, love is needed. Not infatuation.


So.. are you in-love, or only infatuated?




*Thanks to Google for the photos.*

About mesuchadoglover

Hello! Basically, I'm an ordinary 16-year-old girl from Metro Manila, Philippines who blogs about random stuff here in Wordpress, including her thoughts, interests and events in her personal life. Scroll down to see the my blogs' categories and tags. Have a nice day!

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